
Hi, if you would like to work for us then any job positions will be listed here otherwise I'm afraid we don't have any available. If you are looking to build miles then please email us we will be glad to see if we can fit you in on a delivery.

JF Crew JF Crew JF Crew JF Crew JF Crew

Jobs Available

Nothing available at this time

Crew Positions

We are looking for crew to fill deckhand positions on deliveries. Experience is not necessary but you must have a willingness to learn and be a team player. If you want to see some of the world, want to gain some more experience/sea miles or just fancy doing some thing different please get in contact.

Generally speaking your costs to/from the yacht and food on board will be covered, though from time to time you may be asked for a contribution. Crew places are on a first come first served basis and are unpaid.

Click Here to get in contact